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The Legal Coalition for Puerto Rico is a pioneering organization whose mission is to promote and improve access and quality of legal services for Puerto Rico's non-profit organizations.


We serve as a link between organizations and attorneys willing to provide free legal services to non-profit organizations, community organizations, or similar entities.

During this period of crisis, we seek to help organizations whose operations are affected by the coronavirus pandemic. If you are an organization, you can fill out the Coalition Request for Services or if you are a lawyer and want to be part of the network, you can fill out the Volunteer Lawyer Form.

We will be updating this website as the coronavirus situation evolves and we have more information to help the nonprofit sector and those it serves.

WEBINAR: Obligaciones Contractuales de las OSFL durante la Pandemia


Fondos de Prevención de Cesantías Covid-19 - Carta del DDEC

Departamento del Trabajo recomienda pedir el desempleo por internet- El Nuevo Día



Webinars and other resources


Allied Lawyers Network Resources

The Coalition is ready to provide assistance through telephone or email consultations, emergency trainings, and outreach to help nonprofits keep up to date with emerging legal issues. If you need legal advice, complete the following request for services.

Contact Us | Privacy Policy | Terms of Use 

San Juan, Puerto Rico | T: 787-754-9304 |

ⓒ 2020 Coalición Legal para Puerto Rico

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